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Configuring Chronicle

Chronicle Configuration File

Chronicle's config.toml file contains settings for where to store secret keys, how to connect to the Sawtooth validator, and any namespace bindings. If a configuration file does not yet exist, Chronicle will create one before its API service starts up.

You may also specify an existing configuration file to use via the --config cli argument.

--config /path/to/config.toml

Or via the CHRONICLE_CONFIG environment variable.


Chronicle Configuration Options

Additionally, the command-line interface offers various arguments, many of which have an associated environment variable that can be used to set their value. The opactl utility is important in setting access controls.

Remote PostgreSQL Database


Install PostgreSQL with a download from the official website. Alternatively, it is offered through many popular package managers, so you may find it more conveniently available via whichever means you typically install other software on your system. In production, we recommend running Chronicle and PostgreSQL on separate systems, whether virtual or physical.

To learn more about installing PostgreSQL, and about how to set up a database, user and password for Chronicle, refer to the Server Administration part of PostgreSQL's documentation. After Chronicle successfully connects to an empty database then it will automatically create the tables, etc. that it requires.

Use with Chronicle

The standard PostgreSQL variables PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE are recognized by Chronicle which uses them in attempting to connect to a remote database on startup. As described in the --help, values for the database connection configuration can be provided via --database-* options at the command line, except for PGPASSWORD for reasons of security.

Authentication and Authorization

Separate sections describe how identity is established and access is controlled. The command-line interface and associated environment variables include options relating to these.

In-Memory Operation for Development

Passing the --features inmem argument to cargo run has Chronicle use an in-memory transaction processor rather than attempting to connect to Sawtooth.